Target Audience: The Advanced Tactical Provider (Local, State, Federal)
Tactical Medical Practitioner (TMP) is one of the most comprehensive Tactical EMS training programs for any EMT or Paramedic, who operates on a tactical team. With the current and emerging threats that face law enforcement today, integration of skilled medical support is critical to mission success. TMP teaches everything from pre-mission planning and medical threat assessment to providing care in austere or high threat environments.
Students will learn the many differences of providing care in a tactical setting. Whether its assessing a sprained ankle or treating a critically injured patient, students leave understanding how to provide care as a member of an integrated tactical team. Students should expect to be challenged mentally and physically. Students will receive the Tactical Emergency Casualty Care certification and be prepared to take the Tactical Paramedic Certification exam by the Board of Critical Care Transport Paramedic Certification. This course will satisfy a majority of hours required to re-certify EMT and Paramedic.
Pre-requisites: EMT-B and currently employed by a public safety agency or government/military department with a medical mission set.
Course Delivery: The course is broken into 2 sections.
Section 1: 32 Hours Online- Opens 30 days prior to the start of the in residence portion.
Section 2: In Residence- 5 Days (50 Hours) in class and scenarios

Approved through the International Board of Specialty Certification and Board for Critical Care Transport Paramedic Certification as a preparation and refresher course.

TMP Program Overview
Click To Download

The Certified Tactical Paramedic (TP-C) Examination consists of 100 questions and the candidate is provided 2 hours to complete the examination. The certification process is focused on the knowledge level of accomplished, tactical paramedics in hostile an austere environments. The questions on the examination are based in sound paramedicine and tactical principles. The candidate is expected to maintain a significant knowledge of current ACLS, ITLS/PHTLS , TCCC and TECC standards.
TP-C Exam Requirements and Study Recommendations
Eligibility Requirements
NRP or state equivalent
Study Recommendations
The exam is based on the 17 critical domains of the National TEMS Initiative and Council (NTIC). The following textbooks are recommended:
Paramedic Practice Today-Above and Beyond, (Vol 2) by Barbara Aehlert. Published by Jones & Bartlett Learning (2011).
PHTLS, Military Edition (7th Edition) by NAEMT and American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma. Published by Elsevier Health Sciences (2010).
Law Enforcement Responder; Principles of Emergency Medicine, Rescue and Force Protection, by Randy G. Stair, Dwight A. Polk, Geoff Shapiro and Nelson Tang Published by Jones & Bartlett Learning (2012).
Tactical Emergency Medicine, by Richard B. Schwartz, John G McManus McManus, and Raymond E. Swienton. Published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (2007).
Tactical Medicine Essentials by American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), E. John Wipfler III, John E. Campbell and Lawrence E. Heiskell. Published by Jones & Bartlett Learning (2010).
The focus population for this exam includes military special operations paramedics and experienced law enforcement paramedics with extensive tactical experience.
The information presented above with regards to the TP-C exam is from the IBSC website. This information is presented for your information only, and we do not claim any ownership of the information specific to the exam. We strongly support the mission of credentialing tactical paramedics.