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Paramedicine & Education

Let's talk education.

SO.. you're currently a paramedic, EMT, military provider, or you may be none of those.

Regardless of your role when it comes to continuing education, there has been some requirement. Unfortunately, the prehospital medical education system has embraced the concept of requirement. This er of necessity has forced many extraordinary providers to embody status quo rather than push themselves every day. The demand on the prehospital system both civilian and military is ever growing, yet the budget is ever shrinking. This also has lead systems to only be able to afford "status quo." education, with the primary adverse effect on the provider and ultimately the patient. With the apparent disparities in the desire for more in-depth knowledge by providers, we sought out solutions to this issue. SOARescue prides itself on never doing just enough but always offering more for those who desire it.

Education should never be a component of a job that serves only a purpose of compliance. Certification, compliance, and standards are a baseline for care provided; they are in place to ensure that there is some level of competence. There is no "speed limit" on the knowledge you can obtain, only to the minimum you are expected.

If you're like us and desire more daily, you want to be the best provider possible, join us. Our passion for sharing of knowledge is evident to our students. We are never satisfied with knowing just enough, practicing just enough or doing just enough. When it comes to a person's life, just enough may not be enough.

Challenge yourself daily to read, to research to gain understanding. Never settle, always grow, always learn and continually improve. Practice makes perfect, only if you do it habitually. You chose your path for a reason; everyone has a story. Its far too easy to forget why you went into a field that's purpose is arguably nobler than any other. You've chosen to preserve life, remember that daily.

We don't claim to make you a perfect provider, but we will promise we can share and appreciate the drive of those who always want to learn more for the sake of others.

While we in no way attempt to claim it as ours, we strive to live it, the motto of the Air Force Pararescue summarizes perfectly the goal. "These Things We Do, So That Others May Live."

Never stop, never quit.

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